Category: Interviews

  • Interview with Justus de Rode

    Interview with Justus de Rode

    The book became a celebration of openness and vulnerability among friends… Me, Dennis Reitsma and Jean-Michel Mabruki Mussa simultaneously went to see a phychologist. Although we all did for our own reasons, we discussed the process a lot together. In the meantime, I took photos as a coping mechanism, to digest my emotions. Dennis and…

  • Interview with Eva Veldhoen

    Interview with Eva Veldhoen

    When I play, I’m a happier person. Life unfolds before me and surprises me with possibilities I hadn’t imagined. What did you enjoy the most about making this book? The fact that I was creating something straight from the heart, something I felt passionate about. Because I self-funded and self-published the book, I was able…

  • Interview with Jantien de Bruin

    Interview with Jantien de Bruin

    Love, Memories, Loss. Creating this book was for me a way of dealing with the grief. Sister Love is a story about Loss, memory, connection and sisters, and it was made after the suicide of my sister in 2015 caused by depression. After my sister’s death, I felt the need to create a memory. Making this…

  • Interview with Cara Louwman

    Interview with Cara Louwman

    Through various art forms, we brought our family histories into our own lives, What did you enjoy the most about making this book? The best thing about making this book was the collaboration with my sister-in-law Yuen Yee Li. During the process, we found out that we could both be Chinese and Dutch. I became…

  • Interview with Tatiana Della Vedova

    Interview with Tatiana Della Vedova

    Photography is my way of telling stories. Stories where place, time and memory merge together to be remembered and to prevent them from fading away. I wanted to tell a story based on my personal family history about how immigrants feel connected to their home country for a long time. That even after several generations…

  • Interview with Ton Groot Haar

    Interview with Ton Groot Haar

    The camera is for me a social instrument and helps me to come out my own “bubble”, it helps me to meet interesting people and tell their stories I am a documentary portrait photographer and believe in the power of people. Whatever you inherited or experienced, you can direct your own life. The camera is…

  • Interview with Dolph Kessler

    Interview with Dolph Kessler

    Waves are caused by the rotation of the earth, ebb and flow, wind, ect. No artist is involved. And yet, as an individual wave, they often have great spatial quality. And as a whole the oceans are actually the most dynamic “installation” on earth that you can imagine. I find that immensely fascinating and a…

  • Koen Suidgeest

    Koen Suidgeest

    Koen Suidgeest I am a humanist. Above all, I believe in people. I am convinced that in the end, we all want the same things: a meaningful, happy and healthy life, to connect with the people around us, and to be recognised as a valuable human being. My film and photography work revolves around those…

  • Interview with Judith Minks

    Interview with Judith Minks

    My book must have a special place with those who buy it. It has become a collector’s item. Not caught in a time but having no external references, timeless but special. I enjoyed every step of making the book. The contact with the models. With each model, it was a challenge to find how to…

  • Interview with Pascale Hustings

    Interview with Pascale Hustings

    My snippet #1 called ‘Tinseltown’ is out into the world, I love the idea that now you too can enjoy this beautiful little story. I do hope it makes you smile. There really was a sense of anticipation in making Tinseltown. When I heard the story of Manolis and the letter he wrote to Kirk…