Y sobre mí oigo al sauce llorar | Yanina Cesa


Title: Y sobre mí oigo al sauce llorar / Boven mij hoor ik de wilgen treuren
Photographer: Yanina Cesa
Publishing date: 2017
Text: Yanina Cesa
Language: Spanish and Dutch

Design: Suze Swarte
Printing: Wilco Art Books
Binding: Wilco Art Books

Edition: 80 copies in a one-time edition
Size: 225 x 170 x 10 mm
Pages: 64
Cover: Softcover

Price: €25
Shipping cost: €5 (Netherlands)




An already distant origin
an always foreign destination
where I never belong.
But under the tree …
A place I recognize,
a time that has stopped
And his weeping that is my weeping too.

Willows are typical in the Tigre area where my mother grew up back in Argentina, a magical place I keep in my memories from my childhood. Making this book was my way to hold on to home.