ROOTING by  Cara Louwman en Yuen Yee Li

Two sisters-in law, Cara Louwman and Yuen Yee Li, a photographer and writer, embarked on a journey to investigate their relationship with their ancestors. They explored what it means to have roots. Through various art forms as photography, Chinese calligraphy and text, they brought their family history into their own lives. As a result a fragile book ROOTING was made that combined Western and Eastern cultural family heritages.

Limited edition of 365
Books are signed and numbered
Hardcover with blind debossed front and back cover
W 220 mm x H 272 mm x D 26 mm
408 pages – Maxioffset 70 grams
Dutch, Chinese, English
The book has no ends and no beginnings. It can be read front to back, and back to front.All books are priced according to an ‘early bird’ construction
Price € 65.00

Special Collections Rijksmuseum
Collection Koninklijke Bibliotheek
Collection Nederlands Fotomuseum
Winner category series at Siena Creative Photo Awards 2020
Book Photographer of the Year at Moscow International Foto Awards 2020
Gold in category Book – Fine Art at Moscow International Foto Awards 2020
Silver in category Fine Art – Still Life at Moscow International Foto Awards 2020
Gold in category Book – Fine Art at Prix de la Photography Paris 2020
Honorable mention in category Book – Fine Art at International Photography Awards 2020
Jury Top-5 Selection for book ROOTING at Tokyo International Foto Awards 2021
Silver in category Book – People at Tokyo International Foto Awards 2021

Cara and Yuen Yee are proud that the book ROOTING is now part of the Special Collections of the Rijksmuseum, and thus part of our collective roots and history, accessible to everyone.



