Interview with Lis Leijser

The world is becoming infinitely bigger…

We are getting older. We live longer and healthier in an effervescent and exciting time. The world is becoming infinitely bigger and our daily life is experiencing unimaginable change over the course of one generation.

Can you find 3 words that describe what your book is about?

Age, vitality and strength.

Why did you decide to give this project the form of a book?

The ‘age’ portraits all have something in common: an open gaze, perseverance, optimism, creativity and unrelenting curiosity. That is what I want to share.

What do you expect the viewer experience when they look at your book?

I hope the beholder will experience a positive future vision.

As this is our first interview, can you introduce your work in general?

My interest in people. Photography allows me to follow the lives of others and to portray them.

How do you see this book in the bigger frame of your work?

The beginning!

Can you say something about the editing of your book? Did you work alone? Did you work with an image editor and designer?

I worked with Studio Sabine Verschueren.

Knowing that every detail is important, could you mention some technical detail that was of special importance for the realization of the final product?

Like cover design, paper selection, printing technique… I wanted a book that is simple, easy to take with you and strong! Each image tells its own story.


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