Sandra Minten

Sandra Minten has been working as a teacher for almost 20 years when she starts a photography course in early 2015.
At the end of 2018, she graduates with honours at the Fotoacademie in Amsterdam. Her book “Am viață – I have life” is
published mid-December of the same year and in early 2019 she wins the SO Student Award.

Her work is characterized by long-term projects and is about the space people occupy in life and how everyone tries
to make the best out of it. What does it mean to be autonomous, to determine your own life, while being absorbed into
those spaces with rules, relationships and obligations??

Sandra photographs with a loving eye, not a sentimental eye, no softness for the softness, because love is also truth,
defining borders, accepting where the pain is, understanding the incomprehensible.


 Am viață – I have life
