The Spud nr. 3 Lightsprout


Title: The Spud Nr. 3 Lightsprout
Photography: Ellen Mandemaker
Publishing date: 2023
Language: English
Photography and text: Ellen Mandemaker
Graphic design: Studio Wouter van Tilborg

Edition: 600 copies in a one-time edition
Size: 210 mm x 297 mm
Pages: 44
soft cover
Binding: stapled, Agia & Lith, Amsterdam
Printing : van der Eems, Friesland

Price: € 25,00
Shipping cost: € 4,60 (Netherlands)




The Spud potat -O- color

The Spud is a magazine about and with the potato.

It is based on the artist’s findings after years of in-depth research into this sandy brown tuber.

The Spud operates at the intersection of magazine and artist’s publication.

When working with potatoes you will inevitably come across them: Lightsprouts. 

The wonderful, irregularly shaped plants that grow out of the potato.
Meet these quirky little creatures in Lightsprout the Spud Nr.3
Follow Picasso to the Picasso Museum in Paris, admire Lady Rosetta’s headdress
and wonder at the profound transformation of Jacky, a next generation variety.