White Crow


Title: White Crow
Photographer: Hans Bol
Publishing date: June 2020
Text: Victor Vroomkoning and Bert Schierbeek
Language: English, Dutch

Design: Hans Bol
Lithography: Robstolk, Amsterdam
Printing: Robstolk, Amsterdam
Binding: Agia, Amsterdam

Edition: 500 copies in a one-time edition
Size: 180 x120 x 13 mm
Pages: 78
Cover: softcover
ISBN: 978-90-808767-9-8

Price: €30
Shipping cost: €5 (Netherlands)




In 2011 photographer’s father was diagnosed with cancer. In response, he took his camera and began a touching and intimate chronicle of the elderly man’s gradual deterioration over the next six months. Bol could not have predicted that he would end up making the series ‘White Crow’, or what would result from the process of inevitably saying goodbye to a loved one.

In White Crow we see a new series of crow/raven pictures, that appear frequently in Bol’s work, interspersed with pictures of an old person at the end of his life. By combining these images the photographer views these remarkable birds as messengers of the gods, symbols of transformation and harbingers of eternity.